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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in “Comments for the Editor”).
  • The author is aware of the policies of the journal, particularly the reviewing process and the Code of Conduct. In “Comments for the Editor” you can indicate suggested and/or unwanted reviewers.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word (.docx) and contains approximately 40thousand characters. As long as it’s not a book review, the full-text of the submission is anonymized, including the file properties.
  • The author used the template to organise the contribution’s structure; the text is single-spaced; title, abstract and keywords are translated into Italian; uses Times New Roman font (14 for title, 12 for paragraphs and article text, 11 for bibliography and 10 for abstract, notes and descriptions); employs italics, rather than bold or underlining to express emphasis; uses quotation marks «…» for short quotes; all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end and they are provided with descriptions and references. Where available, DOIs or URLs for the references have been provided; the text and the final bibliography adhere to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • The author is committed, under his own responsibility, to obtain the release of the copyrighted images and to provide, in case it becomes necessary, a written declaration of release to the Editor of the journal. The author relieves the journal from any liability in the event of a dispute.

Author Guidelines

The journal welcomes proposals for contributions through the online submission procedure: upon registration (with obtaining a username and password), authors are required to send texts in Word format and upload metadata within the platform, through the wizard.

In order to be published in Educazione interculturale, articles must conform to the following requirements.


  • Articles must be unpublished.

  • They must have a good or excellent scientific level;

  • if the article is a research piece: originality of the hypotheses, methodological accuracy, sufficient discussion of data, meaningful reference to existing scientific literature on the topic in question;

  • if the article is a literature review: inclusion of up-to-date references, internal cohesion;

  • in addition to the aforementioned points, articles which prove to have significant repercussions on an educational level and on educational professions will be appreciated.

  • To ensure anonymity and to enable the double-blind peer-review contemplated, the name and details of the author (short biography and email address) must not appear within the pages of the article but be sent in a separate attachment together with the article. In the box for corresponding author a full address including street number and postcode of the organisation where the author works must be given.

  • The articles must be written in Word (.doc) format using the template available here.

  • in Italian, English, French or Spanish.

  • contain approximately 40 thousand characters

  • approximately 6 thousand characters for reviews

  • An abstract of 180 words and 5 keywords in the original language (Italian, English or French) must follow the title and precede the article.

  • The title of the article, the abstract and the key words must also be translated into English.

  • The abstract must contain a brief summary of the entire work, highlighting the relevance of the chosen topic, why and how the work was undertaken and what conclusions were reached.


During preparation for publication articles undergo editing.

Other criteria for the presentation of articles must be strictly adhered to by authors:

  1. use Times body 12 font with automatic line spacing and justified alignment.

  2. Use body 10 font for notes, which must be limited, positioned at the end of the document and contain clarifications, comments and brief analysis of the contents dealt with in the main body of the text.

  3. In the main body of the text, reference to a note must be positioned inside punctuation: text1. And outside brackets: (text)1.

  4. The title of the article must be written in bold.

  5. Paragraph headings, in bold, must be brief, concise and numbered progressively; the use of sub-headings should be

  6. Use the Enter (return) key only when starting a new paragraph.

  7. Do not use hyphenation commands, styles or macros.

  8. Do not use double spacing to align or indent text.

  9. Use the following hierarchy in the body of the text: title in bold, title in italics, title in standard type, without numbering; for headings of appendixes use bold.

  10. In lists use the following hierarchy: numbers followed by a full stop: 1.; letters with closed brackets: a); hyphens: -.

  11. After punctuation always leave a space; do not, however, leave a space before punctuation marks, after an open bracket and before a closed bracket.

  12. In the body of the text avoid the emphatic use of capital letters and inverted commas; use italics if necessary. Avoid the use of underlining;

  13. Avoid the use of the euphonic d (use only for standardised expressions such as ad esempio).

  14. In quoting passages verbatim from another author (direct quotation), place quotes of less than 40 words within the text using open and closed angular quotation marks «…», marking omissions within the passage with […]. If the direct quote is longer than 40 words it should be inserted using the same typeface but indented from the main body of the text.

Regarding current radicalisation phenomena Pretceille (2016) notes:

Le phénomène actuel de la radicalisation et de violence en lien avec les terribles attentats de Paris, s’inscrit dans ce contexte et c’est dans ce contexte qu’il faut l’analyser et essayer de comprendre, ce qui ne veut pas dire justifier. Notre époque est marquée autant par le retour des intégrismes, des nationalismes et des ethnismes que par une mondialisation et une internationalisation du quotidien. Il y a à la fois un regain d’identification à une ethnie, une culture, une religion, une bande… et une ouverture exponentielle sur le monde (p.1).

Follow the same recommendations when quoting excerpts from interviews and accounts from research participants. E.g. As a young Colombian adoptee, who was interviewed for Lorenzini’s study (2013, p. 69), said:

Per me è molto positivo, quello che non apprezzo è chi vuole adottare solo un italiano, perché uno straniero non piace. Partire dalle differenze questo non mi garba, se uno dice: “Adotta un italiano perché tu sei un italiano”, non mi piace. L’adozione internazionale mi piace perché […] ho voglia di avere un bimbo, che sia rumeno, che sia bulgaro, ho voglia di tirarlo su e volergli bene, in questo senso è bello (37, m, Colombia, 11 anni).

In other cases, on closing the quotation marks or at the end of the quote which is indented and separated from the main body of the text, insert publication data following point n)

  1. For bibliographical references placed within the body of the text, use the following method: use round brackets, author’s surname, date of publication, page number if direct quote, e.g. (Bateson, 1972, p. 48). Or when citing several pages: (Bateson, 1972, pp. 48-50). Or, indeed, if the surname of the author appears in the text, only the date should be added in brackets after the author’s surname: As Morin (2015) states, teaching people to live requires… If an author’s thoughts are paraphrased (indirect quote) there is no need to give the page number e.g. (Tarabusi, 2013). Indirect quotes may be preceded with such expressions as “cf” (compare) or “see”, e.g. In the anthropological field (cf. Tarabusi, 2013), we can talk about…

  2. If there are more than 3 authors, state only the surname of the first author followed by et al.

  3. If a work translated into Italian is cited, both the publication date of the original and that of the translation must be given, separated by a slash, e.g. (Bion, 1961/1987). If the quote is verbatim the page number of the translated text should be given.

  4. If a work cited in another text is cited, only the secondary source is cited, whilst the primary sources must be expressly cited in the text. E.g.: as Edgar Morin stated (cit. in Genovese, 2003, p. 6), «Europeans wake up every morning…».

  5. For several works by the same author, the author’s surname is cited followed by the years in chronological order, separated by commas, e.g. (Bauman, 2000, 2003, 2007).

  6. For several works by different authors, surnames are cited separated by a semi-colon e.g. various authors have expounded on the topic (Taguieff, 1999; Wieviorka, 2000).

  7. If an unpublished source is cited use the wording “in press”.

  8. For websites: unless referring to a particular document, cite in the body of the text in round brackets, the website should be written fully, in standard type, without inverted commas ( If a precise article of an on-line journal or newspaper is cited, the recommendations for other quotes should be followed (author, title, date), providing the date of consultation and full URL in the bibliography (see editorial criteria for compiling a bibliography).

Final References

It must be as updated as possible; to compile it use the high/low format for authors’ surnames and names. The following recommendations are provided by way of example::

  1. list all the authors cited in the work in alphabetical order by surname.

  2. For books: e.g. Bateson G. (1976), Verso un’ecologia della mente, Milan, Adelphi.

  3. If the original edition is cited: e.g. Bateson G. (1972), Verso un’ecologia della mente, Milan, Adelphi, 1976.

  4. If a subsequent edition to the first is cited: e.g. Bateson G. (1976), Verso un’ecologia della mente, 2nd, Milan, Adelphi.

  5. If two authors are cited: e.g. Carpenter T. and Corbitt M.

  6. If three or more authors are cited: e.g. Carpenter T., Corbitt M. and Smith F.

  7. For works which are included in a series of books: e.g. Blanchet A. (1992), Les unités procedurales, causales et téléonomiques dans l’étude des processus cognitifs. In B. Inhelder and G. Cellerier (edited by), Le cheminement des découvertes de l’enfant, Neuchatel-Paris, Delachaux et Niestlé, pp. 93-118.

  8. With one or more editors, whether Italian or foreign, the wording (edited by) should be inserted in brackets after the name/s and before the date. E.g. Albanesi C. and Lorenzini L. (edited by). (2011). Femmine e maschi nei discorsi tra compagni di classe. Il focus group nella ricerca sul genere in adolescenza, Bologna, Clueb.

  9. With journals: e.g. Groen G.J. and Parkman J.M.A. (1972), A chronometric analysis of simple addition. In «Psychological Review», Vol. 93, pp. 411-428. The page numbers refer to the entire article.

  10. To cite a work which is being published: add “in press” in round brackets after the name. E.g. Canevaro A. (in press), L’antisemitismo, Bologna, il Mulino.

  11. For quotes from dictionaries or encyclopaedias: if the editor/s can be identified, proceed as for books edited by; otherwise put the title in italics in place of the author. E.g. The American college dictionary (1962), New York, Random House. If an individual entry from a dictionary or encyclopaedia is cited, if it is signed, proceed as follows: Marhaba S. (1982), Psicoanalisi. Enciclopedia Garzanti di filosofia (2nd ed., pp. 740-742), Milan, Garzanti. If it is not signed, the title of the entry takes the place of the author: Psicodinamica (1982). In Enciclopedia Garzanti di filosofia (2nd ed., p. 742), Milan, Garzanti.

  12. For websites, when citing documents found on the internet with an author and title: provide author (year), title and also the full URL and date of consultation e.g. Touraine A. (2015), La trappola jihadista e il valore della ragione. In (consulted on the 13/05/16).

If a website or page from a website is cited, provide the exact address in a separate section of the bibliography: Sitography

To cite audio cassettes, VHS, CD–ROMs and DVDs, if they are famous songs or videos, they do not need to be cited in the final bibliography: providing them in the body of the text is sufficient. In the event of an audio or visual recording from a non-commercial source, available only in certain archives or universities, provide all information needed to trace it. According to the kind of support, state: audio recording, VHS, CD-ROM or DVD. For an audio support insert the wording “Speaker” in brackets after the name. For a visual support insert the wording “Producer” and/or “Director” in brackets according to necessity. Jarboe K. (Speaker), (1997), Women and schizophrenia [ audio recording ], Tucker, GA, Promedica Research Center

Supporting Materials

Any supporting material (images, graphs or other documents to be included) must be submitted as originals (photocopies will not be accepted); avoid using pictures taken from newspapers or low quality sources. Images must always be captioned and referenced so that they can be correctly placed within the article. The editor reserves the right to modify their placement due to layout requirements. Due to the fact that pictures are often covered by copyright, sources must be cited.

Tables, figures and graphs must be numbered progressively, have a title and be cited in the body of the text using the abbreviation Tab. (table), Fig. (figure), Graf. (graph), followed by a number, colon and title. E.g.: Fig.1: Country of origin of interviewees.

Captions must be located immediately below the iconographic document (table, figure, chart) to which they refer and must be formatted like this: Times New Roman, body 10, indentation of 0.5, justified alignment.


A monographic dossier will includes double-blind, peer-reviewed papers, responding to a thematic call for paper.


A miscellany of essays (double-blind peer-reviewed articles not related to the issue's call for papers), open to research articles and additional discussions facing, in an interdisciplinary perspective, the central issues of intercultural education.


A section open to applied works and practice-oriented reflection about the main topics of the journal (double-blind peer-reviewed articles).

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Privacy Policy