About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Educazione interculturale (Intercultural Education) is a scientific, open access and interdisciplinary Journal, which welcomes Italian and foreign contributions by scholars, researchers, academic and non-academic experts with the aim of bringing together critical essays, empirical and applied experiences.

Through a series of call for papers, thematic sections and/or a miscellany of essays the journal aims at encouraging the scientific debate, as well as at providing a space for a practice-oriented reflection on cultural differences, intercultural education, gender, migration, citizenship, discrimination and inclusion in multicultural contexts.

Educazione interculturale is a scientific journal recognized by ANVUR (Italian National Agency for Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes) for disciplinary areas 11 (History, philosophy, pedagogy and psychology) and 14 (Political and social sciences). It has also obtained the “Class A” rating for recruitment fields 11/D1 (Educational theories and history of educational theories) and 11/D2 (Methodologies of teaching, special education and educational research).

Section Policy

Each issue of the journal consists of a monographic part (Dossier), a miscellaneous part (Essays), a part dedicated to contributions that report Experiences and a last part dedicated to Reviews.


A monographic dossier will includes double-blind, peer-reviewed papers, responding to a thematic call for paper.


A miscellany of essays (double-blind peer-reviewed articles not related to the issue’s call for papers), open to research articles and additional discussions facing, in an interdisciplinary perspective, the central issues of intercultural education.


A section open to applied works and practice-oriented reflection about the main topics of the journal (double-blind peer-reviewed articles).


Non-refereed Book Reviews.

Journal History

Founded in 2003 by Andrea Canevaro, Antonio Genovese and Miriam Traversi, the journal was published by Erickson from 2003 to 2019. The issues published in paper format, from 2003 to 2014, are available in numerous libraries, those published online at the platform owned by the publishing house Erickson from 2015 to 2019 are available for consultation and download at the former website https://rivistedigitali.erickson.it/educazione-interculturale/.

From 1 January 2020 the Department of Education Studies “Giovanni Maria Bertin” of the University of Bologna has acquired the title of the journal that has thus moved to the institutional platform AlmaDL Journals, where the publication of monographs and miscellaneous takes place every six months (May and November).

Peer Review Process

The peer review process is formalized in order to guarantee transparency, autonomy of the reviewers and absence of conflicts of interest. When the editorial board receives a new article, the double-blind peer-review process (author and reviewer do not know each other's identities) will proceed as follows:

  1. The editorial board communicates to the author that the article has been received.

  2. The article is tested by the iThenticate anti-plagiarism software. In case of blatant plagiarism, it is immediately rejected. In the case of a few elements that are not completely original, the Editorial Management carries out a contextual analysis and expresses the decision whether to reject the article or accept it, possibly asking the author for modifications.

  3. The editors make an initial assessment of the article according to the following criteria: relevance of the topic; overall quality of the contribution according to the standard of the journal; compliance with the editorial standards. Editors may refuse the article and communicate their decision to the author.

  4. After successfully passing the first evaluation, the article will be sent to two anonymous and external reviewers, who will evaluate the article with the following possible outcomes:

    • Article accepted

    • Article accepted with minor revisions

    • Article accepted with high degree of revision

    • Article refused

  5. According to the referees' evaluation, the editors will communicate to the author the final decision on the article. In case of request for minor changes, the author will have two weeks to change the article in accordance with the demands of the referee and provide the final version. The management reserves the final decision on the acceptance of the article.

  6. Publication

The editorial board reserves the right to decide in which issue of EI the article that passed all the evaluation stages will be published.

List of referees for the year 2023

Clara Arbiol, Francesca Audino, Lavinia Bianchi, Lisa Bugno, Margherita Cardellini, Dorena Caroli, Tiziana Chiappelli, Andrea Ciani, Rosanna Cima, Pietro Corazza, Francesco Cortimiglia, Almudena Cotán Fernández, Martina Crescenti, Morena Cuconato, Alessandro D’Antone, Gabriella D’aprile, Chiara Dalledonne Vandini, Antonio Di Lisi, Di Grigoli Antonio, Graziella Favaro, Gabriella Ferrara, Valerio Ferrero, Dalila Forni, Antonio Genovese, Mayka García García, Angelo Gaudio, Anita Gramigna, Silvia Guetta, Stuart Hall, Julie Harvie, Tiziana Iannone, Marta Ilardo, Angela Jaap, Zoran Lapov, Mercedes Llorent Vaquero, Rita Locatelli, María Victoria Martos Pérez, Stephen McKinney, Marta Milani, Maria Moscato, Jessica Pasca, Samantha Peroni, Giorgio Poletti, Lucia Portis, Richard Race, Rossella Raimondo, Piergiorgio Reggio, Lorenza Rusconi, Marta Salinaro, Jose Eduardo Sierra Nieto, Clara Silva, Maria Teresa Tagliaventi, Concetta Sirna Terranova, Francesco Vettori, Francesca Zaninelli, Elisa Zobbi.

EI is deeply grateful to those who make their time and experience available to examine the proposed contributions and offer constructive suggestions for their improvement. Without this contribution, the journal could not maintain and improve its quality standards. We would like to thank all those who participated in the review process.

Publication Frequency

The journal publishes two issues for year. The first issue is published in May and the second issue is scheduled on November.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

It releases its articles under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

This license allows anyone to download, reuse, re-print, modify, distribute and/or copy the contributions. The works must be properly attributed to its author(s). It is not necessary to ask further permissions both to author(s) or journal board, although you are kindly requested to inform the journal for every reuse of the papers.

Authors who publish on this journal maintain the copyrights.

Publication fees

The journal has neither submission charges nor article processing fees.

Publication Ethics

Educazione interculturale adopts the AlmaDL Journals Code of Ethics.

The code is inspired by the guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), in particular to the COPE Core Practices and its Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing.

All parties involved in the editorial process, editorial staff members, authors, reviewers must know and apply the ethical principles of that document.

Data Policy

When relevant, authors are encouraged to follow Open Science and FAIR principles by publishing the research data associated to their articles in trusted data repositories, according to the international best practices and data management guidelines.

Detailed information is reported in the AlmaDL Journals Data Policy.

Authors who are affiliated to the University of Bologna can publish their data in AMSActa, the institutional research data repository.

Indexing and abstracting

The Journal is indexed in the following databases and search engines:

  • ACNP – Catalogo collettivo italiano dei periodici
  • BASE – Bielefield Academic Search Engine
  • DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals
  • EBSCO – Essentials
  • EZB – Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg
  • ERIH PLUS – European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences
  • Google Scholar – Academic search engine
  • Jisc Library Hub Discover
  • Open Policy Finder – Open Access policies database
  • Ulrich’s – Global Serials Directory
  • ROAD – Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources
  • Worldcat – The world’s largest library catalog
  • ZDB – Zeitschriften Datenbank

Archiving Policy

As part of AlmaDL Journals, the Journal adopts a strategy to ensure long term preservation of the published content. Please see the archiving policy of the publishing service AlmaDL Journals.


Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
Alma Diamond – open scholarly communication

Via Zamboni 33,
40126 - Bologna (Italy)


Dipartimento di Scienze Dell’Educazione «Giovanni Maria Bertin» – EDU
Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna

Via Filippo Re, 6
40126 – Bologna (Italy)