The migrant’s path: from the project SIPROIMI to seeking housing autonomy. The route out of reception centres among difficulties, resources and personal accounts


  • Sara Arlati Metropolitan City of Bologna



home, dwelling, accomodation research, migration, reception projects


The research was carried out in the city of Bologna in order to analyze the difficulty in finding a place where to live for people with economic and social problems. The article introduces the concept of home both as a fixed place and as something that includes relational, community and political meanings. The bond between people, society and territory as well as between steadiness and mobility is visible in the migratory phenomenon: how do migrants feel when talking about home and above all what is the link with their place of origin and their migratory project? Could we consider this topic in a perspective of shattered expectation and double absence as suggested by Sayad (2002) while studying the migratory phenomenon? Afterwards the impact of the housing topic for migrants will be analyzed thanks to the interviews of some social operators who decided to share their experience and the tools they use in order to help a person to find an accommodation. Along with the social operators, I interviewed some migrants living in reception centers that reported feelings and problems faced while looking for an accommodation. Further points of views were given by the coordinator of the SIPROIMI project in Bologna and the operators working in the housing office.



How to Cite

Arlati, S. (2021). The migrant’s path: from the project SIPROIMI to seeking housing autonomy. The route out of reception centres among difficulties, resources and personal accounts. Educazione Interculturale, 19(1), 91–100.


