Call for Papers Vol. 21 N. 2/2023 Thinking postcolonial pedagogy to decolonise education


How may we approach pedagogy and intercultural education today without first confronting the historical and political obstacles constituted by colonialism? To better educate ourselves and others, we must consider the history of our heterogenous, plural society and understand that this history continues to influence the relationship between native populations and migrants today. With regard to our countries’ cultural pedagogy, we have neglected to expose the adverse effects of colonialism. In fact, colonialism extends its shadow over all forms of cultural discourse, and it is therefore critical to approach matters of intercultural education with this legacy in mind. We may begin this process by prioritizing a postcolonial mindset, in which the post does not denote an overcoming but rather the recognition of our cultural conditioning that sought to justify forms of exploitation, violence, and racism. Embracing a postcolonial perspective also means adopting an attitude of materialism. In this way, one can recognize privileges and acts of intercultural domination in our own cities, which a mere culturalist would fail to identify. In pursuit of a postcolonial pedagogy, we must uphold decolonial educational practices to decolonize school curricula, the contents of school disciplines and the ways of teaching, to deconstruct implicit and explicit prejudices that reproduce colonial asymmetry, and to address flaws in mass media representation. To address these issues, we welcome contributions (of a theoretical, historical, or empirical nature) dealing with the following topics:


- educational history of European colonialism,

- (neo)colonial dynamics in society and education today,

- links between colonialism and contemporary migration,

- links between historical colonialism and diasporas,

- the representation of colonialism in disciplinary contents,

- the representation of colonialism in mass media representation,

- how postcolonial awareness can change intercultural pedagogy,

- thinking about a diverse, postcolonial culture in formal and non-formal settings,

- decolonizing youths’ imagination,

- politics, migration, and colonialism,

- the social and political activism of postcolonial subjects,

- rethinking curricular content from an intercultural and postcolonial perspective,

- educational practices that incorporate otherness in their teaching, organisational and curricular projects.


Abstract by 31 March 2023;

A minimum of 300 to a maximum of 350 words. It must contain: (i) a presentation of the topic; (ii) the nature of the text (research, studies and essays, etc.); (iii) a brief exposition of the topic, adequately justified; (iv) the methodology (in the case of research); and (v) brief conclusions.

Acceptance or rejection abstract by 15 April 2023;

Full contribution by 15 September 2023.


Abstracts and full contributions should be uploaded on the Journal website and sent to the email addresses of the Dossier coordinators:


The Dossier may include a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 16 articles, in English, French, Spanish, Italian.

PDF version of this call can be found here.