Call for Papers Vol. 23 N. 2/2025 Unaccompanied Foreign Minors (UFM): Needs, Resources, and Perspectives
Within the complex phenomenon of contemporary migrations, it is necessary to specifically address the particular "type of minors" that Law No. 47/2017 defines as «those who do not have Italian or European Union citizenship and who are in the territory of the State for any reason […], lacking assistance and representation by their parents or other adults legally responsible for them under the laws of the Italian legal system» (Article 2). The presence of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors, mostly nearing adulthood and coming from disadvantaged contexts around the world - mostly but not exclusively male - who arrive in countries other than their birthplaces, thus becoming "foreigners," follows an incoming flow into the territory that has increased in recent years. The phenomenon, like migration in general, is driven by various factors related to the global geopolitical situation, particularly concerning the countries of origin and destination, European, national, and international political choices regarding migration flow management, and is often a "collateral effect" of difficult conditions in the places of departure. Nevertheless, it is also fueled by the hope for a better present and future life in the countries of arrival (Biagioli, 2018), either for themselves or for other family members left behind.
The biographies and motivations of minors arriving alone in Italy are varied (Lorenzini, 2018; Rigon, Mengoli, 2013). They are fleeing conflicts, wars, persecutions, and discrimination, which expose them to traumatic experiences, losses, grief, and violence. In other cases, minors leave to escape violent and abusive family environments, arranged marriages, or forced labour recruitment. They often come from places of economic, social, and educational poverty, carrying hopes of redemption, sometimes burdened by the weight of a familiar mandate that requires early responsibility, calling them to help a struggling family (Lorenzini, 2019). Others decide independently to leave their country of birth unbeknown to their family, or they share the decision with their parents, who sometimes approve, hoping for their children's emancipation from present conditions, or who, although not approving, end up supporting them in their choice and in the preparation for departure. These multiple motivations and migratory paths, though diverse, are united by conditions of high vulnerability and a constellation of difficulties and risks, including disappearances that may result from voluntary movements to other countries via dangerous routes to cross intra-European borders while hiding from authorities, as well as involvement in criminal networks or human trafficking exploitation.
A review of the 2019-2024 period reveals that the number of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors present in Italy initially remained below 10,000, before gradually rising to 22,000 within two years. However, a notable shift occurred in the first half of 2024, when the number of minors fell to 20,206 (Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, 2024). The significance of these data opens up reflections on the need, by educational agencies and, more generally, all services in the territory, to structure a complex taking charge of these minors: this approach must guarantee adequate reception, protection, educational interventions, and opportunities that facilitate the construction of a desirable future for them (Audino, Bianchi, 2021; Agostinetto, 2017; Giovannetti, Accorinti, 2017). Even from these preliminary observations, the pedagogical and educational relevance (Cerrocchi, Porcaro, 2023), of the issues related to this specific category of minors is evident, particularly when viewed from an intercultural perspective (Lorenzini, 2018; Burgio et. al., 2023).
Agostinetto L. (2017), Minori stranieri non accompagnati e richiedenti asilo, in M. Fiorucci, F. Pinto Minerva, A. Portera (a cura di), Gli alfabeti dell’intercultura, ETS, Pisa, pp. 439 454.
Audino F., Bianchi L. (2021), L’accoglienza socio-educativa dei MSNA e dei neomaggiorenni nella pandemia da Covid 19, in «Educazione Interculturale. Teorie Ricerche Pratiche», Vol.19, n.1, pp. 78-90.
Biagioli R. (2018), Traiettorie migranti. Minori stranieri non accompagnati. Racconti e storie di vita, ETS, Pisa
Burgio G., Muscarà M., Romano A., Salmeri S. (2023), I minori stranieri non accompagnati: processi di inclusione fra istituzione pubblica e privato sociale, in Milana, Perillo, Muscarà, Agrusti (a cura), Il lavoro educativo per affrontare le fragilità individuali, istituzionali e sociali, FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp. 199-221.
Cerrocchi L., Porcaro E. (2023), Minori stranieri non accompagnati: orientamenti e materiali, strumenti e strategie per l’inclusione nel sistema scolastico, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
Giovannetti M., Accorinti M. (2017), I minori stranieri non accompagnati tra accoglienza ed integrazione, «MINORI GIUSTIZIA» n. 3, pp. 96-105.
Legge n. 47/2017, Disposizioni in materia di misure di protezione dei minori stranieri non accompagnati.
Lorenzini S. (2019), Minori Stranieri Non Accompagnati: quale diritto alla famiglia? Esiti da una ricerca qualitativa nella Regione Emilia-Romagna, «RIEF» Rivista Italiana di Educazione Familiare, n. 1/2019, pp. 97-121.
Lorenzini S. (2018), L’intervento educativo nelle Comunità di Seconda Accoglienza per Minori Stranieri Non Accompagnati: quale valore alla prospettiva pedagogica interculturale nei riferimenti teorici e nelle prassi educative? Esiti da una ricerca qualitativa in Emilia-Romagna, in A. Traverso (a cura di), Infanzie movimentate. Ricerca pedagogica e progettazione nei contesti di emergenza per minori stranieri non accompagnati, FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp. 172-190.
Ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali (2024), I minori stranieri non accompagnati (MSNA) in Italia.
Rigon G., Mengoli G. (2013), Cercare un futuro lontano da casa. Storie di minori stranieri non accompagnati, Edizioni Dehoniane, Bologna.
The special issue of the Educazione Interculturale Journal, titled "Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Minors (UASC): Needs, Resources, and Perspectives" seeks to compile the viewpoints of scholars who are engaged with the phenomenon through the presentation of research trajectories, educational experiences, and theoretical reflections. Contributions (theoretical, historical, or empirical) are invited on the following topics:
- The multiple aspects of the phenomenon
- Areas of intervention and the complexity of care: school, education, health (physical and psychological)
- The network of services: critical issues and strengths
- Assessment of needs and good intercultural educational practices
- Local projects and citizenship practices
- School inclusion
- Training and employment insertion pathways
- Promotion and protection of psycho-physical health
- Expansion of the reference network and opportunities for positive socialization in opposition to deviant networks
- Identity and sense of belonging
- Relationship with origins
- Transition to adulthood
- Discrimination: gender, skin color, foreign origins
- Foster care
- Voluntary protection
- MUST not exceed 35,000 characters (including spaces, notes, and bibliography).
- Can be written in English, French, Spanish, or Italian.
- Must comply with the editorial guidelines available on the journal’s website.
- Must be uploaded in Word format, along with the metadata, on the Journal's OJS platform by no later than June 6, 2025, after the registration of the author(s). Follow the submission procedure via the "Make a submission" link on the homepage of the journal:
- Must also be sent to the email addresses of the editors:
Contributions will be evaluated through a double-blind peer review process, and if accepted, they will be published in the November 2025 issue.Papers that successfully pass the double-blind refereeing will be published in the issue of Novembre 2025.
PDF version of this call can be found clicking here.